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    Monday, February 6, 2017

    10 Tricks That Some Professions And Businesses Actually Do Hate

    We’ve all heard and seen those advertisements that talk about something that doctors or plumbers or bankers hate. It’s some trick that somebody figured out, and now the professionals aren’t making as much money, so they hate the fact that somebody figured out “their tricks.” The crazy things about those ads is that they work. They play off of our paranoid natures where everything in us wants to believe what they are saying. The irony, however, is that the people tricking us aren’t the doctors or the accountants, it’s the people behind the ads.
    Having said that, there are some legitimate “tricks” that people in various industries would rather you didn’t know. Of course, when we say “people” we aren’t referring to everybody. For example, many IT professionals would be more than happy if you knew how to restart your computer. It would solve 90% of your problems and take a load off of them. Without a doubt though, there are some that would rather you didn’t realize it so that they can make some extra bucks when you call. It’s worth mentioning, however, that these are usually the rookies and amateurs (which is why they don’t have enough business). So, without further ado, these are 10 tricks that some professions and business actually do hate.
    Featured Image: wikipedia

    Gadget shops

    Gadget shops
    Image: en.wikipedia.org, Source: lifehacker
    If it’s electronic, you can get it cheaper online. Usually a lot lot cheaper.

    Coffee bars

    Coffee bars
    Image: commons.wikimedia.org, Source: reddit
    Order an espresso with extra ice and use the milk from the condiment bar. Instant latte, and the coffee bar hates you.


    Source: lifehacker
    Turning it off and back on again. Actually, on second thought, the IT guys don’t hate this trick at all. They would rather you use it because then you won’t bother them.


    Image: publicdomainpictures.net, Source: reddit
    They hate it when you ask to be put on their “do not call list” because they are legally obliged to do so.


    Car mechanics

    Car mechanics
    Image: commons.wikimedia.org, Source: lifehacker
    They hate it when you take a few hours to learn things about your car like how to change the oil, the fluids it needs, easy fixes, etc. This is because informed customers don’t typically pay to have their blinker fluid changed. Also, they don’t want you buying a Honda. Those things never break.


    Image: pixabay, Source: reddit
    When you go to the store right before they’re closing, you’ll often be the only one in the store, and you can often stay and browse around for a bit. This is because many stores (in the US) have policies that prevent them from just throwing customers out. Keep in mind though, the people working their probably won’t be too keen on your behavior.

    Fast food

    Image: publicdomainpictures.net, Source: reddit
    In the US, ordering your drink without ice gives you more soda or whatever it is that you ordered. The company deliberately instructs its staff to put ice in the drinks by default to cut costs.
    Note: You should be drinking water anyway. Sugary drinks are right up there with cigarettes when it comes to things that kill westerners.



    image: pixabay.com, Source: lifehacker
    Skiplagged is a website that lets you find cheaper flights by booking past your destination. This is because if you are flying from point A to B, sometimes a flight from A to B to C is cheaper, and you just get off at B. Airlines really do hate this site.

    Creative professionals

    Creative professionals
    Image: thebluediamondgallery.com, Source: reddit
    They hate when you use fiverr. Of course, this is basically outsourcing because you’re paying somebody in the Philippines to do something for much cheaper. But we get mad when big companies move jobs overseas, right?



    Image: pixabay.com, Source: lifehacker
    They don’t like when you ask for your prescription information e.g. the distance between your pupils. This is because they know that you will try to buy your glasses online, which is cheaper than the glasses they sell. Legally though, they are obliged to tell you.
    Note: Not all optometrists hate this. Many are fine with it because they are great doctors, and people go to them because of that. It’s the ones that just want to squeeze out every cent that will hate you.

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