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    Monday, February 6, 2017

    10 Things Poor People Do That Rich People Don’t

    Being poor isn’t easy. Sounds pretty obvious right? Everyone knows that poor people have it harder. But what’s interesting is just how much of a disconnect there often is between wealthier people and their poorer peers. Although Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand, and a few other parts of the globe all have relatively high standards of living, there is still poverty. Maybe not in the sub-Saharan Africa sense of the word, but definitely enough poverty that upper and lower classes are farther apart than is sustainable in the long term.

    The fact is that we’re all pretty quick to judge one another on how we should be living, what she would be buying, or where we should be shopping, especially when it comes to different economic classes. From each end there is always a passionate argument; for example, on one end, poor people shouldn’t have iPhones because that’s irresponsible, and from the other direction, rich people shouldn’t make such risky investments because that’s irresponsible.
    The bottomline is this, rich and poor often don’t come into contact with one another. People who don’t have enough money to even buy a car aren’t often found in the same social circles as those who live in gated neighborhoods. A lot of this could be solved simply by understanding and spending time with people that are different from us. Unfortunately, that probably won’t ever happen. Instead, we offer you this list. These are 10
    things poor people do that rich people don’t.
    Featured Image: wikipedia

    Buy veterinary medications

    Veterinary medications
    Image: wikipedia, Source: reddit
    Ok, rich people buy these too, but they buy them for their pets. Poor people buy them because meds can be cheaper when you buy them for animals. Or across the border…

    Buy things rent-to-own

    Anything rent-to-own
    Source: thoughtcatalog
    As you’ll see with a lot of things on this list, when you’re poor, you end up spending more money in the long run.

    Hunt for food

    Hunting gear
    Image: wikipedia, Source: reddit
    The difference between rich people hunting and poor people hunting is that the poor people actually eat the animal to stave off their hunger. And yes, there are poor people who hunt for food in the United States.

    Eat SPAM

    Image: pixabay, Source: 9gag
    You’re a strange rich person if you buy these.


    Buy craigslist furniture

    Craigslist furniture
    Image: pixabay, Source: reddit
    Sometimes people just want you to come and pick it up, no cost. You can actually find pretty decent furniture this way.

    Eat Ramen Noodles

    Ramen noodles
    Image: wikipedia, Source: 9gag
    Every college kids knows this one.

    Eat stale bread

    Stale bread
    Image: wikipedia, Source: reddit
    When you’re rich, you probably don’t even realize there’s a bakery clearance section at the grocery store. Stale bread is great for bread pudding. And croutons.


    Buy reduced items at the grocery store

    Reduced items at the grocery store
    Image: pixabay, Source: 9gag
    You learn the exact times of day when things like meat and vegetables are marked down.

    Make hobo tomato soup

    Hobo tomato soup
    Image: wikipedia, Source: reddit
    Technically, all the ingredients can be found for free at a McDonalds. Just mix salt, pepper, and ketchup into a cup of hot water. This is more popular than you would think among poorer folks.


    Look for car parts at a junk yard

    Car parts at a junk yard
    Image: wikipedia, Source: thoughtcatalog
    It’s already cheap, but sometimes you can get an added discount if you remove the parts from an old car by yourself.

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