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    Saturday, February 4, 2017

    10 Things The President Of The US Can’t Actually Do

    It seems as if this year’s US Presidential election has people a little bit more high strung than years past. Some may try and lead you to believe that the fate of our world rests on how you vote this November; however, the power of the Presidency is not unlimited. In fact, our whole government is a system of checks and balances, and despite being in a very powerful position, the President is surprisingly limited in both their power and personal life. Let’s take a step back and examine 25 Things The President Of The US Can’t Actually Do.


    Interpret Laws or The Constitution

    Source: https://www.supremecourt.gov, Image: commons.wikimedia.org
    Does the 1st amendment cover free speech on the internet or no? That judgment is not up to the President. It’s actually up to the SCOTUS (Supreme Court Of The United States), the Judicial Branch of the Federal Government. This is the highest court in the land as the name implies, and it has the final say on interpreting what a law means. The President has no say in these judgments.

    Choose Members of the SCOTUS on their own

    Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com Image: commons.wikimedia.org
    The Supreme Court is a lifetime appointment, meaning that once appointed, a Judge is in for the rest of his or her life unless they choose to retire. Having to replace members is a somewhat rare but serious matter as they’ll hold position longer than the President. Judge Antonin Scalia, who passed away early in 2016, was appointed by Ronald Reagan and approved by the Senate in 1986. While the President does have the job of nominating someone, that nomination has to be approved through the Senate, and they have the power to reject a Presidential nomination.


    Legalize Medical Marijuana

    Source: http://www.westword.com/, Image: www.pixabay.com
    In order for this to happen, Marijuana would have to be reclassified by the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) from a Schedule I (controlled substance, no medical use) drug to a Schedule II (for medical use but have a high risk of abuse) drug. The DEA recently confirmed they won’t be doing that anytime in 2016. States still have the power to allow marijuana for medical and recreational use on a state by state basis.

    Legalize / Criminalize Abortion or Any Other Controversial Medical Procedure

    Source: http://civil-rights.lawyers.com Image: Commons.wikimedia.org
    Choices for things like abortion (including when during pregnancy a woman could have an abortion) and medically assisted suicide for terminally ill patients rests with individual States, not the Oval Office.


    Halt Deportations or Grant Amnesty to All Illegal Immigrants

    Source: http://thehill.com/, Image: en.wikipedia.org public domain
    President Obama himself has tried to place a temporary ban on deportations of illegal immigrants living in the US via Executive Order, and it was blocked by the SCOTUS.

    Freely Open Borders

    Source: http://www.immigrationpolicy.org/, Image: Commons.wikimedia.org
    Laws passed as far back as 1921 limit the number of immigrants legally allowed into the US each year. The President along with Congress determines the maximum amount of refugees fleeing foreign nations allowed in each year.

    Take Away Social Security Payments

    Source: www.ssa.gov Image: commons.wikimedia.org
    Some candidates may propose laws to increase payments or tax them differently, but these are all a part of a budget that must be passed by congress. Americans pay into the system, and when they retire, they get a monthly stipend, period. There’s lots of talk about “Social Security running out!” but when that’s projected to happen – in 2037 – it merely means that current payments will be reduced by around 10%, and there’s still lots of time for Congress to pass budgets that make up that difference.



    Source: http://www.smh.com.au, Image: www.pixabay.com
    Despite being one of the most powerful people in the world, sitting and former Presidents are strongly discouraged from driving by the Secret Service, and when they do get the keys, it’s only in very controlled situations like a golf course. 

    Repeal or Enforce Common Core or Any Other Federal Standard for Education.

    Source: www.huffingtonpost.com, Image: www.commons.wikimedia.org
    States have an individual right to adopt or reject any federal education guidelines like No Child Left Behind or Common Core. While this may affect any federal funding they receive, each individual state has the right to opt into federal standards or keep their own.  


    Completely Forgive Student Loan Debt

    Source: www.goodbyeloans.com, Image: www.pixabay.com
    Even Obama’s loan forgiveness program requires most people to make 10-20 years worth of monthly payments before forgiving the debt, and that’s if you qualify. Student Debt isn’t going to magically poof away, regardless of who is elected in November.

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