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    Thursday, February 2, 2017

    10 Sure Signs Of Maturity That We All Need Reminding Of Sometimes

    Although we all have to (or at least should) reach some stage of maturity by the time we are adults, it isn’t always easy to remember the lessons we’ve learned throughout life that brought us to where we are. Sometimes it can be useful to review. These are 25 sure signs of maturity that we all need reminding of sometimes.


    Not venting on social media about personal business

    social media
    Image: pixabay.com
    Self control, not grabbing for attention, and handling negative situations appropriately are all things that kids are typically very bad at. Why? Because these things require maturity, which is often gained only through experience.

    The realization that your parents are flawed human beings and forgiving them for it

    Image: pixabay.com
    This is directed more towards in the teenagers in the room.



    Image: pixabay.com
    Seriously though, you have to be mature to actually remember this.

    Taking into account the affect your actions have on others

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    Being selfish and only considering how your actions will effect you is the height of immaturity.


    Not getting upset over trivial things

    spilled milk
    Image: pixabay.com
    As they saying goes, “there’s no sense in getting upset over spilled milk.” Mature people realize what is important in life and pick their battles wisely.

    Doing the right thing for the right reasons even if it involves sacrifice

    Image: pixabay.com
    Just doing the right thing isn’t necessarily a sign of maturity. You can save an orphan just so that other people think you’re altruistic. It’s the right thing to do, but you’re still very immature. Saving an orphan for the sole purpose of doing the right thing…that is mature.

    Letting someone else have the last word

    i am right
    Image: pixabay.com
    Realizing that arguments aren’t about who talks last takes a very mature human indeed.


    Empathy and the understanding that everybody has their own emotions, beliefs, and experiences

    Image: pixabay.com
    Understanding that everybody is not like you requires a lot of awareness about the world. Taking that a step further – understanding that this isn’t a bad thing – requires, well, maturity.

    More thinking and less talking

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    Also, listen. It’s important for almost every relationship in your life.


    Focusing on being a good person rather than looking like a good person

    Image: pixabay.com
    This is huge. It basically means wrestling your pride into submission and doing things that you know you may not get credit for.

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