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    Tuesday, January 31, 2017

    10 Eye Opening Facts About Racism And Race That You Might Not Know

    Ιn biology, race divides populations—based on genetic factors—within the same species, even though it’s a scientifically proven fact that all humans belong to the same species (Homo sapiens), and even to the same subspecies, Homo sapiens sapiens. Despite the aforementioned undeniable facts, there are still very small genetic variations across the planet that engender diverse physical appearances, such as variations in skin color. As a result, humans have been divided socially and genetically into races for centuries now, even though the morphological variation among races is not indicative of major differences in DNA.
    Furthermore, recent genetic studies have shown that skin color may drastically change in as few as one hundred generations as a result of environmental influences. The problem of racism, though, is a whole different thing from the distinction of races and usually refers to when a certain group of people uses the concept of race as an excuse to dominate and control other population groups. Racism is irrational and wrong since all people should be treated equally (despite their natural differences) and because there is no supreme race or inferior one. The 25 Eye-Opening Facts About Racism And Race below will convince every open-minded individual that we’re all God’s children.


    The concept of race is a modern one. The ancient Greeks, for example, never divided people by skin color or race but instead divided them according to social class, wealth, education, and language.

    Greek coin
    Source: facts.randomhistory.com/facts-about-race.html, Image: commons.wikimedia.org

    Aristotle’s famous division between Greek and barbarian was not based on race, but on those who organized themselves into city-states and those who did not. The Romans categorized people not on race or skin color, but on differing legal structures upon which they organized their lives.

    greek painting
    Source: facts.randomhistory.com/facts-about-race.html, Image: commons.wikimedia.org


    In medieval times, Muslims and Christians divided humans based on the categories of “believer” and “nonbeliever,” not on race. Additionally, the Jews based the differences between “goyim” (non-Jew) and “Jew” on faith rather than biology.

    old painting
    Source: facts.randomhistory.com/facts-about-race.html, Image: Wikipedia

    California was the first state to ban the use of race and ethnicity in public university admissions.

    Source: facts.randomhistory.com/facts-about-race.html, Image: Wikipedi

    Sociologists Simon Cheng and Brian Powell found that parents of biracial families typically devote more time and money to enrolling their kids in activities such as music lessons and museum visits—not necessarily because they have more money, but most likely to compensate for their marginalized social status.

    biracial couple
    Source: facts.randomhistory.com/facts-about-race.html, Image: en.wikipedia

    After pornography, ancestry websites are the most commonly visited on the Internet. A molecular biologist from John Hopkins claims that each one of us has around 6.7 billion relatives throughout history.

    Source: facts.randomhistory.com/facts-about-race.html, Image: Pixabay

    In 2002, the Institute of Medicine scientifically documented widespread racial disparities in health care and suggested they stemmed at least partly from physician bias. In one generation, between 1940 and 1999, more than four million African Americans died prematurely relative to those of lighter skin color.

    Source: facts.randomhistory.com/facts-about-race.html, Image: Wikipedi

    In the early twentieth century, eugenists attempted to use IQ tests to prove that certain races were inherently more intelligent than others. For example, they used tests to try to demonstrate that African Americans and recent immigrants from southern and eastern Europe were intellectually inferior to Americans of Anglo-Saxon or Scandinavian descent. By the 1940’s, eugenics had been discredited as bad science and as an excuse for racial hatred.

    Source: facts.randomhistory.com/facts-about-race.html, Image: Wikipedia

    Many people have heard the term “Eight Mile” in relation to Detroit. In this city, there is the “Detroit Eight Mile Wall.” Originally built for the purpose of segregation, African Americans now predominately live on both sides of the wall.

    detroit eight mile wall
    Source: crazyfacts.com; wikipedia.org, Image: en.wikipedia.org

    The term “Arab” is not a racial one but rather a cultural and linguistic term. It refers to those who speak Arabic as their first language. Arabs share a culture and history, but “Arab” is not a race.

    Arab woman
    Source: facts.randomhistory.com/facts-about-race.html, Image: commons.wikimedia.org

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