• Breaking News

    Monday, August 1, 2016

    Hillary Clinton's Presidential Campaign Hacked

    What a shocking news..............!!!
    The Associated Press confirmed that the computer systems used by Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign were hacked as part of the recent Democratic National Convention (DNC) hack.
    Last week's email dump containing almost 20,000 emails from top DNC officials was just the beginning, which led DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz to resign as the group’s leader, as WikiLeaks announced that it was part one of its new Hillary Leaks series. This suggests WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange has had his hands on more data from the DNC hack that, according to him, could eventually result in the arrest of Hillary Clinton.
    Assange — Wikileaks' Next Leak will lead to Arrest of Hillary Clinton
    In an interview with Robert Preston of ITV last month, Assange made it clear that he hopes to harm Hillary Clinton’s chances from becoming president of the United States, opposing her candidacy on both policies as well as personal grounds. Assange also stressed that he had "a lot more material" about Clinton's presidential campaign that could possibly provide enough evidence for the indictment of Hillary Clinton. Now, when it has been reported that the computer systems used by Clinton's presidential campaign were breached as part of the DNC hack, one could guess this could be the next release in the Hillary Leaks series by Assange.
    U.S. intelligence agencies have reportedly concluded that the Russian government was behind the theft of the DNC emails and documents. Although, it's unclear whether the attack was fairly routine espionage or an effort to manipulate the presidential election.

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